

We have studied Polygons as two-dimensional objects with three or more sides.  Regular Polygons are shapes with congruent sides and angles.  If these shapes are taken into the third-dimension, they become a polyhedron.  Simply put, a polyhedron is an object made of polygons connected at the edges.  So what is a "Regular Polyhedron"?  If the same concept of regular polygons is applied to polyhedrons, a "Regular Polyhedron" would consist of congruent Regular Polygons.  In fact this idea of a "Regular Polygon" is what we know today as a Platonic Solid, and there are only five!

The five Platonic Solids are the only Polyhedrons

bullet whose faces are identical regular polygons
bullet whose vertices are all identical
bullet which are convex

TetrahedronOctohedronHexahedron (The Cube!)IcosahedronDodecahedron

An interesting fact that can be found from the Platonic Solids, is that the same number of Regular Polygons meet at each vertex, corner, of the object.  It is for this reason that there can be only five Platonic Solids.  As you will discover later through this website, any more then five, and there would be too many angles for each vertex
There are also some other fascinating concepts and formulas found from the Platonic Solids.  These ideas will be explored through this instructional website. 


Assignment 1: "Introduction":

In an email, recap what you have learned about the five Platonic Solids.  Hypothesize why there are only five.  (Hint:  Think about the number of faces that meet at a vertex.  Think about the regular polygons' angles and if more than four ever meet at one vertex.)  Each student's posting will be sent to every student in the class.  You must reply to the assignment and at least one other student's posting. 

10 Points for your posting.

5 Points for replying to another student's posting. 

Email your response to:

Click here to see Assignment 1: "Introduction" Rubric



IW 0 Welcome IW 1 Introduction IW 2 History IW 3 Definitions IW 4 Platonic Solids IW 5 Fill In Chart IW 6 Constructions