SMART NotebookTM Software Install instructions
Downloading the Software - This file will assist you with the download of SMART NotebookTM from the Internet.
Installing the Software - This file will assist you with installing the software. If you received the files on a flash drive or disk, begin here. These instructions require you to already have the software downloaded.
Things to do First - This file will assist you with things things I personally believe one should do immediately after the SMART NotebookTM Software is installed. None of these modifications are permanent, however they greatly help the user of the software be more proficient.
Windows 7- {Also Can be used for Windows Vista}* This file will assist you if you have Windows 7 and are installing the SMART NotebookTM Software. After the software is installed, follow these instructions to turn off the Window 7 features that may conflict with SMART NotebookTM Software.
*Anyone with Windows Vista can also use this file, although please note that some of the process may be different to access the Control Panel and the Tablet PC Settings. Just ensure that each setting from the Windows Vista computer looks exactly like the images in this file.
Other Resouces
is the handout showing the SMART NotebookTM Version 10 icons.
Windows File Allocation is the reduced version of a paper I wrote for my Master's Degree. It explains my system of saving notes each day for my class. Although this might not completely work for you, you may find that it will trigger an idea for your own class.
have asked for Bret Gensburg's previous resources from his website while at Alliance City High School. Therefore, we have taken my previous Alliance High School website, and integrated it into this website. Over time, we plan to harvest different sections of the older website to place here, on this Resource Page of the Eagle Technology Integrations, LLC website.